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Наталья (Наталья)
Наталья (Наталья)
2016-09-23 22:17:25
Рейтинг: 137412
Комментариев: 15292
Топиков: 2859
На сайте с: 03.11.2015

The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.

Этот урок предназначен для начинающих. Вместо того, чтобы стегать полностью всё панно, разбиваем его на части, простегиваем каждый элемент, а затем всё соединяем в общий рисунок.

The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.

Вырезать 20 квадратов размером 9 х 9 см каждый.

Из фоновой ткани вырезать 3 блока 32 х 16,5 и отложить их в сторону. Затем вырезать пять 16,5 х 16,5 блоков из остальной фоновой ткани. После блоки разложить на столе.

The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.

Взять кусок 100% хлопкового ватина (подложка), который должен быть немного больше чем конечный готовый блок, и поместить блоки сверху.

The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.

Простегать блок от шва с обеих сторон на расстоянии 6 мм, чтобы получилась хорошая стеганая сетка. Для твердых блоков можно нарисовать сетку на ткани с помощью водорастворимого фломастера и простегать вдоль этих линий. Отложить блок в сторону.

I quilted 1/4" on either side of the seam which made a nice quilted grid.

I quilted 1/4" on either side of the seam which made a nice quilted grid.

Затем соединить блоки (размер каждого 16,5 х 16,5 см) вместе. Сделать это дважды. Отрезать излишки ватина и убедиться, что каждый блок в квадрате.

Выбрать рисунок и распечатать его на принтере или купить готовые образцы.

The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.

Вырезать рисунок по контурам карандаша. Прикрепить к лицевой стороне ткани, прошить, и перевернув наизнанку, прошить второй раз по полученной стёжке, затем прогладить каждый квадрат лоскутного одеяла.

The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.The quilt as you go technique (QAYG) simplifies quilting for beginners because it is an easy way to join quilted pieces by machine. Instead of handling bulky quilts, you will learn to quilt your project as you piece it. Quilt-as-you-go is ideal for machine appliquéd projects and this tutorial will walk you through this easy quilting method. Try it out on a simple mug rug project and you'll be hooked.http://www.seasonedhomemaker.com/pillowcase-tutorial-burrito-style/

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6 комментариев
AhMarishka (Marishka)
2016-09-25 18:34:44
2016-09-25 22:59:59
Лариса (Лариса)
2016-09-27 12:37:23
Н поняла это что все без обметки