A.Please tell how does everyone keep coming up with these amazing things. These two items are just amazing. I could not find anything so wonderful over here. Thank you Thank You very very much. I appreciate it ALL very much, sorry I am a little emotional about all the patterns and thing you have sent and the amazing things I have seen. Thank You very much and please stay safe. XXXXXX
Класс! Я шила ушанку белому медведю, мучилась и придумывала сам — а тут — НАТЕ! СПАСИБО!
Ирина, спасибо! Классные ушанки! Ваша ушанка мне очень понравилась
A.Please tell how does everyone keep coming up with these amazing things. These two items are just amazing. I could not find anything so wonderful over here. Thank you Thank You very very much. I appreciate it ALL very much, sorry I am a little emotional about all the patterns and thing you have sent and the amazing things I have seen. Thank You very much and please stay safe.

все здорово!
Давно шила ушанки Деду Морозу и Домовому. Но теперь сошью грамотно!!! Спасибо!!!
Какая молодец! Все понятно, спасибо.
I was looking for a hat pattern for these dolls. How wonderful you found some. I would like to say Thank You very very much. XXXX

Какая вы молодец и не жадная, поделились с нами вашими выкройками, спасибо вам большое за ваше доброе сердечко