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Octyabrina66 (Лилия Перепёлкина)
Octyabrina66 (Лилия Перепёлкина)
2015-07-21 23:54:09
Рейтинг: 19171
Комментариев: 1655
Топиков: 963
На сайте с: 28.01.2014

Может быть пригодиться для живущих в США

Hello Liliia,

This is yourweekly update of Calls for Artists & recently added, updated or canceled events,
a free service of FestivalNet.com. View this emailonline to sort events by State, Date or Deadline.

Calls for Artists

Cypress Creek Summer FestivalApply NowCypress Creek Summer Festival
August 1 — 2, 2015
Cypress Creek Parkway and Stuebner Airline — Houston, TX
Deadlines: Art & Craft: 07/15/2015 Music: 07/15/2015
Over 150 vendor booths, train ride, bounce house, food, bbq, music, Saturday August 1st, and Sunday August 2nd 10 am to 6 pm.

Schedello! Fine Arts & Music FestivalApply NowSchedello! Fine Arts & Music Festival
August 15 — 16, 2015
Schedel Arboretum & Gardens — Elmore, OH
Deadlines: Art & Craft: 06/19/2015 Music: until full

FREE balanced, juried fine arts show.

Route 66 Kiwanis Art FairApply NowRoute 66 Kiwanis Art Fair
August 22, 2015
Edward Hospital Athletic & Event Center — Romeoville, IL
Deadlines: Art & Craft: until full Music: until full

The Route 66 Kiwanis Art Fair is a true medley of talent and inspiration from every walk of life.

WestfestApply NowWestfest
September 4 — 6, 2015
West Fair and Rodeo Grounds — West, TX
Deadlines: Art & Craft: 05/15/2015 Music: 05/05/2015

Westfest is a Czech/Polka festival held each Labor Day weekend in the Central Texas town of West.

Olympia KiwanisApply NowOlympia Harbor Days Festival
September 4 — 6, 2015
Percival Landing and Port Plaza — Olympia, WA
Deadlines: Art & Craft: until full Music: until full

42 Years of Tugboats and Maritime Heritage celebrated on the beautiful Olympia, Washington waterfront!

Warrenville Park DistrictApply NowArt on the Prairie
September 12 — 13, 2015
City Hall Complex — Warrenville, IL
Deadlines: Art & Craft: until full Music: until full

Art on the Prairie is a jury art fair including jewelry, graphics, photography, painting, stained glass, ceramics, and mixed media.

Scallop FestivalApply NowScallop Festival
September 18 — 20, 2015
Cape Cod Fairgrounds — E. Falmouth, MA
Deadlines: Art & Craft: 07/15/2015 Music: 03/01/2015

The largest scallop festival on the east coast, the Annual Scallop Fest has been voted a Top 100 Event by American Bus.

Deerfield Fall Craft FairApply NowDeerfield Fall Craft Fair
September 19 — 20, 2015
Memorial Hall Museum Grounds — Deerfield, MA
Deadlines: Art & Craft: 02/01/2015 Music: 07/10/2015

New England's most beautiful craft fair in the historic setting of the village of Old Deerfield, MA.

Highlands Festival at WaterlooApply NowHighlands Festival at Waterloo
September 19 — 20, 2015
Waterloo Village and Concert Field — Allamuchy, NJ
Deadlines: Art & Craft: 09/01/2015 Music: 07/15/2015

Highlands Festival at Waterloo is produced by NJ Highlands Coalition, whose mission is to preserve the quality and quantity of drinking water.

Shenandoah Valley Apple Harvest FestivalApply NowShenandoah Valley Apple Harvest Festival
September 19 — 20, 2015
Frederick County Fairgrounds — Clearbrook (Winchester), VA
Deadlines: Art & Craft: until full Music: until full

Enjoy an autumn weekend with new & exciting activities planned at our new location…The Frederick County Fairgrounds!

Fantom FestApply NowFantom Fest
October 9 — 10, 2015
Henry B Gonzales Convention Center — San Antonio, TX
Deadlines: Art & Craft: until full Music: until full

Join us in celebrating our 5th Year!

Kama'Aina Glee Club of Orange CountyApply NowChristmas in October Holiday Boutique Show
October 10 — 11, 2015
UCFW Hall — Buena Park, CA
Deadlines: Art & Craft: 09/15/2015 Music: 09/15/2015

Island Crafts & Holiday Boutique Show Family Event in Buena Park sponsored by Kama'aina Glee Club of OC.

Nyack's Famous Street FairApply NowNyack's Famous Street Fair
October 11, 2015
Main Street & Broadway — Nyack, NY
Deadlines: Art & Craft: until full Music: until full

This is a long running street fair held in historic Nyack, N.Y, Located on the Hudson River in Rockland County and draws approximately 25,000 customers from NYC, Westchester, Long Island, Rockland, NY and Bergen County, N.J.

The Falls Festival of the ArtsApply NowThe Falls Festival of the Arts
October 24 — 25, 2015
8888 SW 136 Street — Miami, FL
Deadlines: Art & Craft: until full Music: until full

A fine art juries event with artists in 13 different categories.

Unlimited Sales Group Inc.Apply NowCoral Gables Food Wine & Spirits Festival
November 14 — 15, 2015
Downtown Coral Gables — Coral Gables, FL
Deadlines: Art & Craft: 11/13/2015 Music: until full

The larest fine wine and spirits event in the South East USA.

Apply NowSan Antonio Christmas Showcase
November 21 — 22, 2015
Freeman Coliseum Expo Hall — San Antonio, TX
Deadlines: Art & Craft: until full Music: until full

Everyone looks for the perfect Christmas Show--well look no more.

Coral Gables Festival of The ArtsApply NowCoral Gables Festival of The Arts
January 23 — 24, 2016
Downtown — Coral Gables, FL
Deadlines: Art & Craft: until full Music: until full

The event has 5 components Visual Art, Performance Art, Music and Culinary Art along with a VIP all inclusive area.

South Phoenix Home ShowApply NowSouth Phoenix Home Show
February 5 — 7, 2016
Rawhide Western Town — Convention Pavillion — Chandler, AZ
Deadlines: Art & Craft: until full Music: until full

Show is produced in conjunction with the Western Arts & Crafts Festival and admission includes entry into the Rawhide Western Town.

Western Arts & Crafts FestivalApply NowWestern Arts & Crafts Festival
February 5 — 7, 2016
Rawhide Western Town — Convention Pavillion — Chandler, AZ
Deadlines: Art & Craft: until full Music: until full

Show is produced in conjunction with the South Phoenix Home and admission includes entry into the Rawhide Western Town.
Event Updates

To view690 recently updated events, go Here.
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3 комментария
tajana (Татьяна)
2015-07-22 00:07:28
Всё равно, что-то не показывает… картинок нет?!
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