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Octyabrina66 (Лилия Перепёлкина)
Octyabrina66 (Лилия Перепёлкина)
2016-01-30 09:48:27
Рейтинг: 19171
Комментариев: 1655
Топиков: 963
На сайте с: 28.01.2014

Девочки.раскопалась вот такая салфеточка.без перевода.ну я думаю что схема понятна


Peacock Filet Buffet Scarf


Easy Skill

Edited By: Maggie Weldon

Size: About 26 inches by 16½ inches.

Materials:Size 20 Mercerized Crochet Cotton:
White (1200 yds).

Crochet Hook:Steel No. 12 (1.00 mm).

Gauge:5 rows = 1 inch; 5 sps or blks = 1 inch.







double crochet


single crochet(s)


half double crochet

sl st(s)

slip stitch(es)












yarn over

Special Stitches

Cluster-Decrease (cl-dec):Keeping last loop of each st on hook, dc in sts or sps indicated, yo and pull through all loops on hook.


Work tightly for best results.

Row 1:(Right Side) Starting at A on Chart, skip 4 ch, dc in next 21 ch (7 blks), (ch 2, skip 2 ch, dc in next ch) 5 times (5 sps), continue with 7 blks, 5 sps, (8 blks, 5 sps) 3 times, 7 blks, 5 sps and 7 blks. Mark right side of this row as right side of Scarf.
Row 2:Ch 30, turn, skip 4 ch, dc in next 12 ch, (ch 2, skip 2 ch, dc in next ch) 4 times, dc in next 2 ch, dc in next dc (4 blks, 4 sps and 1 blk added), continue with 7 blks, 2 dc in next sp, dc in next dc (1 blk), 3 sps, 9 blks and follow Chart across.

At end, to add 1 blk, yo, insert hook in same st where last dc was made, yo and draw thru 1 lp tightly (a 1-ch), (yo and draw through 2 Ips) twice to complete dc, * yo, insert hook in 1-ch made at base of last dc, yo and draw through 1 lp (a 1-ch), (yo and draw through 2 lps) twice, ** repeat from * once (3 dc added), ch 5, dc in 1-ch at base of last dc, (ch 5, turn, dc in 3rd st of last ch-5) 3 times (4 added sps); yo, turn, insert hook in 3rd st of last ch-5, yo and draw through 1 lp (a 1-ch), (yo and draw through 2 lps) twice; rep from * to ** 11 times (4 added blks).
Row 3:Ch 12, turn, skip 4 ch, dc in next 8 ch (3 added blks), dc in next dc, 5 blks, 2 sps, 2 blks; follow Chart across, adding 9 dc at end for 3 added blks.
Row 4:Ch 9, turn, skip 4 ch, dc in next 5 ch (2 added blks), dc in next dc, 3 blks, 4 sps, 2 blks, 1 sp and follow Chart across, adding 6 dc at end for 2 added blks.
Row 5:Ch 6, turn, skip 4 ch, dc in next 2 ch (1 added blk), dc in next dc, 2 blks, 5 sps, 1 blk, 1 sp and follow Chart across, adding 3 dc at end for 1 added blk.
Rows 6-7:Working even, ch 3, turn, cl-dec over first 2 dc, dc in next 5 dc (2 blks), follow Chart across to end.
Row 8:Ch 5, turn, skip 3 dc, dc in next dc (1 sp). Follow Chart across.
Row 9:Start and end as in Row 3.
Rows 10-12:Start and end as in Row 5.
Row 13:Start as in Row 6.
Row 14:Start and end as in Row 5.
Rows 15-17:Start as in Row 6.
Row 18:Start as in Row 8.
Rows 19-21:Start and end as in Row 5.
Rows 22-24:Start as in Row 6.
Row 25:Ch 3, turn, 2 blks, 12 sps, 1 blk, 1 sp, 4 blks, 8 sps, 6 blks, (ch 3, skip 2 dc, sc in next dc, ch 3, skip 2 dc, dc in next dc) 32 times (32 Lacet Sts), 6 blks and complete row.
Row 26:Ch 3, turn, 2 blks, 1 sp, 1 blk, 10 sps, 1 blk, 11 sps, 5 blks, 1 sp, ch 5, skip 5 dc, dc in next dc, (ch 5, dc in next dc) 32 times, ch 5, skip 5 dc, dc in next dc (34 long sps), 1 sp, 5 blks and complete row.
Row 27:Ch 3, turn, 2 blks, 2 sps, 1 blk, 4 sps, 3 blks, 2 sps, 1 blk, 10 sps, 3 blks, make 2 Lacet Sts, ch 3, sc in next long sp, ch 3, dc in next dc (a 3rdLacet St), ch 5, dc in next dc, 30 Lacet Sts, 1 long sp, 3 Lacet Sts, 3 blks and complete row.
Row 28:Ch 5, turn, skip 3 dc, dc in next dc, 4 blks, (3 sps, 1 blk) twice, 1 sp, (1 blk, 4 sps) twice, 2 blks, 4 long sps, 3 dc in next long sp, ch 2, dc in next dc (1 blk and 1 sp made), complete row as in Chart.
Rows 29-65:Follow Chart.
Rows 66-83: Continue following Chart. To decrease at beginning of rows, ch 1, turn, skip first dc, sI st in each dc to where next row starts, ch 3 to start next blk or ch 5 to start next sp. Continue thru Row 83. Finish off and weave in ends.

- Stretch and pin Mat right-side-down in true shape. Steam and press dry through a cloth.


All Rights Reserved ©2015 Maggie Weldon PS:Извиняюсь если кто уже выкладывал

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4 комментария
lyusya120856 (Людмила)
2016-01-30 12:29:58
Liudmila(Людмила) (Людмила)
2016-01-31 09:19:40
Сохранила, хотя не знаю доберусь ли исполнения. Спасибо.
LaRa-apr (Лариса)
2016-01-31 15:12:22
ПО-моему, салфетка не должна быть сложной — это ведь все та же филейка. Где-то я уже ее встречала…
Спасибо, Лилия!
alina(Галина) (Галина)
2016-01-31 18:30:36
Какая красота! Спасибо!