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Вопрос к профессионалам))) Без вас я уже не могу жить)))
Девочки!!! Помогите!!! Чем он брызгает для перевода картинок и какая бумага???
Это его об'яснения
Image Transfer onto Bisque and Paper
Ok, I have been asked so many times to explain the image transfer technique I use onto bisque. I will post a step by step picture tutorial next week.
I will briefely explain now how I do it but there are now two videos showing you how in the video section on this blog.
This also works on paper but not sure if inks will work with it. I will leave this up to all you paper crafters out there, I would really appreciate any feedback on how you get on with it.
You will need a laser copy or print
Spray your print with Americana Gloss spray sealer, do this lightly untill you see the ink start to raise from the paper. ( As if it were embossed).
Place the paper ink side down onto the bisque or paper and burnish it with you finger or a Brayer for approx 10 seconds.
Remove paper and your image should have transferred!
You will need to have a mirror image copy, especially if text is to be included.
Очень часто он использует Gloss Americana Spray
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