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Alis (Alis)
Alis (Alis)
2016-11-07 20:04:49
Рейтинг: 6483
Комментариев: 1106
Топиков: 152
На сайте с: 12.01.2016


Techniques used in this pattern (British term / American term):

Chain stitch – ch

Double crochet / Single crochet – dc / sc

Treble / Double crochet – tr/dc

Slip stitch – sl.st

Triple picot – trp.pic: make 3 chs, insert hook through two loops of dc/sc, make sl.st. Work 5 chs, insert hook in the same space and work sl.st. Again make 3 chs, insert hook in the same space and make sl.st.

Quinary picot – qnr. pic: make 5 chs, insert hook through two loops of dc/sc, make sl.st. Work 3 chs, insert hook in the same space and work sl.st.; 7 chs, insert hook in the same, sl.st.; 3 chs, insert hook in the same space, sl.st.; 5 chs, insert hook in the same, sl.st.

Bobble Stitch: work 7 incomplete double treble / treble in the same stitch, yarn over, draw the yarn through 7 loops on the hook, yarn over and draw through all loops.

Snowflake motif

Round 1: 2 ch, work in last ch 6 dc/sc, sl.st in ch.

Round 2: 1 ch, * 1dc/sc in dc/sc below, 1 trp.pic, 1 ch; rep from* 5 times, sl. st in ch.

Round 3: release the hook from the loop and fasten red color yarn in space of 1 ch. Work 4 tr/dc in next spaces of 1 ch. At the end of the round work 3tr/dc into space of 1 ch and sl.st in third ch.

Round 4: release the hook from the loop and insert it in into loop of white yarn, make 3 ch. Work 1dc/sc + 1qnr. pic + 5ch in each picot of 5 ch. Make sl.st in ch at the end of round.

Round 5: release the hook from the loop and insert it in into loop of red color yarn. Make 3 ch, work 5 times over each group of four tr/dc of 3rd round: 2 tr/dc in first stitch, 1tr/dc in second, 1 tr/dc in tird, 2 tr/dc in fourth stitch. At the end of the round work: 2 tr/dc in first stitch, 1tr/dc in second, 1 tr/dc in tird, 1 tr/dc in thied ch of 3rd round, sl.st in ch.

Round 6: 3ch, *2tr/dc in the same stitch, 4 tr/dc, 2tr/dc in the same stitch; rep from * 4 times, 2tr/dc in the same stitch, 4 tr/dc, 1tr/dc in third ch of previous round. Release the hook from the loop and insert it in into loop of white yarn, make 5 ch. Insert the hook into loop of red color, than insert it through third ch, insert the hook into loop of white yarn and pull the loop through all loops on hook.

Round 7: 2ch, * make 1 tr/dc into picot of 7ch, 8 dc/sc; rep from* 5 times, sl.st. in ch.

Round 8: 2ch, * 2 dc/sc in the same stitch, 6 dc/sc, 2 dc/sc in the same stitch; rep from* 5 times, sl.st.

Bobble Stitch motif

Round 1: 2 ch, work in last ch 6 dc/sc, sl.st in ch.

Round 2: 1 ch, * 1dc/sc in dc/sc below, 1 ch; rep from* 5 times, sl. st in ch. Fasten off.

Round 3: fasten white color yarn in space of 1 ch and work 3 tr/dc in this space. Work 4 tr/dc in next spaces of 1 ch and sl,st in third ch.

Round 4: 3 ch, *1 bobble in next st, 1 tr/dc in the same st, 2 tr/dc, 2 tr/dc in the same st; rep from *, 4 times, 1 bobble in next st, 1 tr/dc in the same st, 2 tr/dc, 1 tr/dc in the third ch of previous round, sl. st. in ch.

Round 5: 3 ch, *1 bobble in next st, 1 tr/dc in the same st, 2 tr/dc, 2 tr/dc in the same st; rep from *, 4 times, 1 bobble in next st, 1 tr/dc in the same st, 2 tr/dc, 1 tr/dc in the third ch of previous round, sl. st. in ch.

Round 6: 2 ch and 1 dc/sc in each stitch below, sl.st in second ch.

Round 7: 2 ch, * 2 dc/sc in the same st, 6 dc/sc, 2 dc.sc in the same st; rep from * 4 times, 2 dc/sc in the same st, 6 dc/sc, 1 dc.sc in the second ch of previous round, sl. st. in ch.


Connect one motif to another using dc/sc join. Work joining from back side.

http://www.mypicot.com/9013.html — ИСТОЧНИК.

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10 комментариев
Maga (Светик)
2016-11-08 00:57:51
Как красиво! А схемка имеется?
Alis (Alis)
2016-11-08 02:02:17
Maga (Светик)! имеется пошаговое исполнение в фото-ях.
Мила (Людмила Богданова)
2016-11-08 01:56:37
Восхитительно!!! Обязательно воспользуюсь. Спасибо огромное!
Верунька (Вера)
2016-11-08 05:28:52
Класс! Спасибо
zay2010lub1 (Любовь)
2016-11-08 08:09:44
Красиво. А где-нибудь есть описание такого соединения?
Strannizaneba (Галина)
2016-11-08 11:05:08
Жаль, схемки нет… в них все понятно… я плохо ориентируюсь в исполнении по фото: сколько петель, куда? Надо постигать! Красивые мотивы!
Alla (Алла)
2016-11-08 13:31:33
Спасибо, воспользуюсь.
Ната (Наталия)
2016-11-08 13:31:35
Красивые мотивы, спасибо, главное не просчитаться по рисунку, остальное — дело техники и наличия времени.
рукодельница (Ирина 03.01.1959)
2016-11-09 16:18:36
Спасибо За такую красоту! Ссылка на сайт, где с пояснениями на русском языкеhttp://kroika.org/vyazanye-novogodnie-podarki/638-novogodnee-pokryvalo-2015