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please give me the pattern of these Crocheting Octopus and starfish

marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
2014-05-20 23:00:10
Рейтинг: 13
Комментариев: 22
Топиков: 3
На сайте с: 05.05.2014
please give me the pattern of these Crocheting Octopus and starfish
 please give me the pattern of these Crocheting Octopus and starfish with video or picture
please give me the pattern of these Crocheting Octopus and starfish
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15 комментариев
galina5 (Галина)
2014-05-21 09:51:35

Здесь несколько вариантов морских звёзд. Возможно, что-то подойдёт. А осминожка, увы, нет.
marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
2014-05-21 22:09:33
thank you very much, but that's not what i wanted.
lazy (Татьяна)
2014-05-21 11:07:29
Still looking for Octobus… starfish could be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgGAKiJYN84&list=PLOREw1fOEEbBOIkK_6GjrgdacCj8NqEfA 
Just one notice- if you can crochet, it's very easy to do it by looking on the picture. Unfortunately I can do it but couldn't make a patten. Will try to find in internet. Sure our girls will help.  Anyway — good luck to you
marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
2014-05-21 22:10:53
thanks but that's not whats in my images.
marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
2014-05-21 22:20:42
thank you very much for your support, this dress is for sale! and there were no pattern anywhere...
if you/(any body) can Crocheting this and make a video or anyway you can show me how to, thats very kind.
lazy (Татьяна)
2014-05-22 21:15:12
Sorry darling, I'm really busy at moment and afraid will be next 6 months. Really sorry. Will try to ask somebody for you
marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
2014-05-22 21:53:47
Thanks no problem
vera09 (вера)
2014-05-21 12:33:57
мерси, утощила....
marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
2014-05-22 22:31:53
hi  Ludmila You're very kind  thank you very much for your support 
ludochka (Людмила)
2014-05-22 22:41:02
I wish You success in work